вторник, 30 ноября 2010 г.

Russian rock music

Now I'm going to write about the most famous Russian singers and bands.

I would like to start with rock music.
Here the leaders are such bands as Сплин, Кино, Zемфира, Nautilus Pompilius, Lumen, Машина Времени, etc.
The most popular songs of these bands:

Lumen - Гореть (the lyric in English)

Сплин - Выхода нет (Spean - There is no way out)

Кино - Звезда по имени солнце (Kino - A star called the sun)
Here you can find translation.

Машина времени - Однажды мир прогнётся под нас (Mashina Vremeni "One Day the World will Bend to Us")
Here is the translation.

Zемфира - Хочешь? (Zemfira - Do you want?)
Translation of the song "Хочешь?"

Наутилус Помпилиус - Одинокая Птица (Nautilus Pompilius - Lonely Bird)

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