четверг, 2 декабря 2010 г.

Myth about Russia

I've just watched cool video about Russia. I think you like it. :)

The coldest weather in Russia

The weather in Russia. 2.12.2010.

The coldest cities:

Do you think it's cold?

What is the winter in Russia?

Have you ever felt, how is it to be outside, when it's 30 degrees below zero?

When it makes you shiver? when it makes your flesh creep?

When you don't feel your hands and toes? When your nose and cheeks are becoming red?

And when your only desire is to warm, warm, warm?

Today I'm going to show you the one winter day of Russia.

winter russia

In winter the most difficult work is work of a street cleaner. He has to clean the snow in incredible conditions of weather.

winter, russia

Also there are difficulties with the transport. Drivers can't see clearly because of snowstorm and the cars often swerve. People have to wait long time for a bus, when they feel really frozen.

The best news is that you can write anything - stupid or funny - on the ice-covered windows of cars.

As it was said in the song of Russian bard Oleg Mityaev:

And someone wrote by warmed hand
On a frozen window of the bus:
"Be strong, summer is soon!
And everyone is getting warmer.

In most part of Russia it is really snowy. Just look:

under snow

Anyway, people continue to live:

to play:

and to love:

вторник, 30 ноября 2010 г.

Russian alternative

Finally, Russian alternative music!

As it should be, the music is heavy, and lyrics are depressive.
I dont listen to such music now, but I was a fan of Dolphin and Animal Джaz.
Also I like some songs of Ideя Fix, Чужие сны (Strange dreams), Мёртвые Дельфины (Dead Dolphins).

Dolphin - Silver

And Animal Джаz:

I was in their concert. And it was amazing! Many people were dancing and jumping with the music.
"Я не отдаааааам тебяяя никомууу"
I'm feeling nostalgie...

Russian pop

As for Russian pop, there are a lot of bands and singers. In my humble opinion, most of them are sucks. :) Anyway, I will show you some songs, which are quite good and very famous.

And I want to mention, that some of these singers are not popular now, but they were. You can't watch theis music video, because it's already old-fashioned.

I would like to start with my favourite band (it was in my childhood ;) ) - t.A.T.u
I suppose, it's the most well-known Russian band. You all have listened to their songs. But have you listened to their songs in Russian? If not, you have a chance to listen to it now.

Я сошла с умаааааааа. :))) I still know all their songs.

Ok, what next? I'm afraid, that it's singer with strange name Maksim. She is a girl, but she has male name. I don't like her at all, but she is very popular in Russia, so I have to write about her.
I even dont want to show you the translation of this song, because it's too girly and naïve. :)

Maksim - I'll become a wind

Dima Bilan. I'm sure you've heard about him. He is the real star and the sexiest guy in Russia. :))

Now I'm going to tell about old-fashioned russian pop. :) The band Руки Вверх (Ruki Vverh) was extremely popular in Russia in 90s. I loved them like every girl of my age. Here you can see the music video of one of their song - Alyoshka.

Other old-fashioned band is Гости из будущего. They are awesome! Many people love theis songs even now. Becuase it's so emotional. You should listen at least this song - "Почему ты, почему навсегда" (Why you? Why forever?)

Почему ты, почему навсегда.... I remember when I was a teenager, I was often singing this song.

In the end, I want to show you the music video of the singer who was the dream of every girl in 90s. :)

Andrey Gubin - Liza

Russian rock music

Now I'm going to write about the most famous Russian singers and bands.

I would like to start with rock music.
Here the leaders are such bands as Сплин, Кино, Zемфира, Nautilus Pompilius, Lumen, Машина Времени, etc.
The most popular songs of these bands:

Lumen - Гореть (the lyric in English)

Сплин - Выхода нет (Spean - There is no way out)

Кино - Звезда по имени солнце (Kino - A star called the sun)
Here you can find translation.

Машина времени - Однажды мир прогнётся под нас (Mashina Vremeni "One Day the World will Bend to Us")
Here is the translation.

Zемфира - Хочешь? (Zemfira - Do you want?)
Translation of the song "Хочешь?"

Наутилус Помпилиус - Одинокая Птица (Nautilus Pompilius - Lonely Bird)

понедельник, 29 ноября 2010 г.

Hi everyone

My name is Ksenia, but you can call me Snegurochka.
I live in Siberian part of Russia. Today it's -28 C here.
I want to write here curious things which you don't know about Russians, the language, and about the country in general.
Tell me if you wonder about something concerning Russia.

I would like to start my blog with this video of Sting: